The faithful servants of Jesus are in it for the long haul. They’re not fair-weather followers, like the seed in Jesus parable that fell on rocky soil and sprang up quickly only to last a short time until trouble or persecution came along. The dearest and best of God’s saints have had a tough as leather quality about them that absolutely refused to give in or give up, no matter how tough the going may have gotten. Think of Luther’s refusal to recant, “Here I stand I can do no other”, or Wesley’s refusal to be silenced when the Bishops forbade him to preach in their local parish churches, “The world is my parish” was his response. Or George MacDonald’s refusal to resign his church no matter how many times the elders cut his salary. But none were more tenacious than the apostle Paul himself. The degree of his hardships and difficulties were matched only by the degree of his resolve and commitment to keep on keeping on. In 2 Corinthians 4:13-18, “The Secret of Staying Power”, Paul unfolds the spiritual truths and Spirit’s work that shaped his perspective and enabled him to personally keep going in the face of such sustained and relentless suffering and opposition.