Many commonly assume that the discovery of the empty tomb on that first Easter morning, combined with the personal appearances of the risen Lord, abruptly changed everything for Jesus’s disciples. Suddenly dispelling all of their fears, instantly turning their despair to hope and their doubt to faith. And that if we could just see what they saw, we too could believe like they believed. But as we’ll see today, that’s not at all what the gospels record. In fact, when Jesus appeared to some of his closest followers, they didn’t even recognize him, didn’t even know who he was. That is, not until something profoundly changed in them. This morning we’ll take a look at two of those followers, who walked a good stretch of lonely road in deep conversation with Jesus without ever knowing it was him. As we’ll learn in Luke 24:13-35, in a message entitled, “Opened Minds, Burning Hearts, Eyes of Faith”, personal saving faith was much more than merely catching a glimpse of the risen Lord.