As we worship together this Sunday we continue our expositional series of messages entitled A Firm Foundation, taking a close look at the building blocks of God’s church. This Sunday we turn our attention to a critically important, but often neglected topic. Of the many important elements that we might put at the top of the list as vital to the church’s health and effectiveness, it’s probably safe to say this is one, that for many people, might not even make the list at all. And yet, in what is arguably the single, greatest, vision and description of the eternal nature and purpose of the church, Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, it was of first and foremost importance. One commentator called Ephesians “the crown of St. Paul’s writings”, and another “the divinest composition of man”. It was John Calvin’s favorite letter. In the first three chapters Paul gives a breathless sweep of the church’s origin, nature and purpose from eternity to eternity, praying that the eyes of our hearts might be opened in order that we might know “the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people” (1:18). Given that, what do you suppose would be Pau’s most ardent concern? In answer to that question, we turn to Ephesians 4:1-16, “The Call to Christian Unity”, as we give ourselves to understanding the meaning and application of this important truth and priority.